David Novak, Former CEO OF Yum! Brands on Motivating a Work Force, Staying Humble and Taking Charge of Your Career

From humble beginnings growing up as a trailer park nomad, David rose to be the CEO of Yum! Brands (Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and KFC) where his successful techniques as a leader helped double the number of restaurants and increased market capitalization over 8 times. He has been recognized as one of the best performing CEO’s by Barron’s, Fortune and Harvard Business Review.

This week we talked about his people first approach, the essential traits leaders need, the importance of mindset and why purposeful recognition is the strongest motivational tool for leaders in any field.

He explains how sometimes we have to say no in order to get what we want, as well as describes why people cried when he gifted them a rubber chicken!

David continues to campaign to create more leaders by creating the student leadership program Lead4Change.

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