Why Bad Cops Stay and Schools Fail
Public employee unions have a death grip on the operating machinery of government. Bad cops can’t be fired, schools can’t work, and politicians sell their souls for union support. The devil is in the astonishing details, and Philip Howard, a brilliant leader of government and legal reform, provides them here. Good news: there is a solution.

The Science and Skill of Superforecasting
Imagine how much better your decision making would be if you could better predict the future. It’s possible, with superforecasting. In fact, a team of superforecasters won a forecasting tournament conducted by the U.S. intelligence community. What do superforecasters actually do, and how can you become a better forecaster? Don’t miss this talk with superforecaster, Warren Hatch.

Highlight on Education: A Specially Curated Episode
Want to get smarter about education? Listen to this specially curated episode of 3 Takeaways — with former Presidents of Harvard University, Larry Summers and Larry Bacow; former Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan; former head of Oxford University, Dame Louise Richardson; former Academic Dean of the Kennedy School, Iris Bohnet; Nobel Prize laureate, Joshua Angrist; and founder of online Khan Academy, Sal Khan.

Top Takeaways of 2023
3 Takeaways brings you conversations with people who are changing the world. The world’s foremost thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians, scientists and other newsmakers share three key insights to help you understand the world in new ways that can benefit your life and career. In this special year-end episode, we present the most powerful and compelling takeaways of 2023.
Can you guess which takeaway is from each guest before we tell you who it is? The guests include former Director of the CIA, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CEO of Chevron, former Foreign Minister of Israel and other amazing guests.

An Expert On Higher Education Talks About Critical Skills Not Being Taught At Universities
There’s great debate these days about the merits of a college education. Here, an expert on the topic, Harvard’s David Deming, weighs in with facts and insights on how colleges fail and succeed, the essential skills universities need to teach, how a college education fights inequality, the true usefulness of college, and more.

Learning from the Best: A Nobel Laureate's Journey to Understand the Secrets of School Quality
Why do some schools routinely produce high-performing students? How truly important is class size? Why do charter schools typically outperform regular schools — is it the schools themselves, the students they attract, or a combination of both? Get ready to be educated on crucial issues of education by Nobel Prize laureate Joshua Angrist.

Which are the 10 Most Powerful and Compelling Takeaways of 2022? Listen and Find Out.
3 Takeaways features revealing conversations with the world’s foremost thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians, scientists and other newsmakers, who each share three takeaways they consider vital. In this special year-end episode, we present the 10 most powerful and compelling takeaways of 2022.
Can you guess which takeaway is from each guest? The guests include:
Former Prime Minster of Australia
Former Chief of MI6
Founder of the world's largest hedge fund
7 other amazing guests

Harvard University President Lawrence Bacow: The Value of a College Education & Investing in the Future
Lawrence Bacow, President of Harvard University, shares how he sees the future of education and the values he leads by at Harvard. Learn the role of universities in a democracy, the importance of teaching students to think critically and why he believes the value of a liberal education is higher than ever.

Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan: Education Runs on Lies
“Education runs on lies. That’s probably not what you’d expect from a former Secretary of Education, but it’s the truth.” Arne Duncan exposes the lies and the broken system that have caused American kids to fall behind. He also shares what really works.

Free World Class Education to Anyone Anywhere: Building the World’s Largest Online Learning Platform with Khan Academy Founder & CEO Sal Khan
Find out how the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, Sal Khan, built the world’s largest online learning platform, his vision for scaling free educational resources, and how he is reimagining education.
Khan Academy is a free remote learning platform that offers lessons for all ages. Today more than 133 million registered users access Khan Academy in dozens of languages in more than 190 countries.

Always Be Learning: The Top 10 Takeaways of 2021 From Our Guests
This week on the podcast we are highlighting the Top 10 Takeaways of 2021. With guests ranging from CEOs and founders, to best-selling authors and even the Director of the U.S. Secret Service. These individuals left us feeling motivated and inspired!

The Secret to Outstanding Achievement with Character Lab Founder and CEO Angela Duckworth
Angela Duckworth is the Character Lab Founder and CEO and a University of Pennsylvania Professor of Psychology. Angela studies the character traits and habits which predict success. She has studied West Point cadets National Spelling Bee finalists, teachers, sales people and students to determine who is successful and why. A few characteristics emerged as significant predictors of success. Angela shares what the character traits for success are and how we can nurture them.

Investing in Positive Social Outcomes with Social Impact Bonds: Tracy Palandjian
Learn from Tracy Palandjian, CEO and co-founder of Social Finance, about using impact investing and social impact bonds for a wide range of social purposes from improving high school graduation to reducing recidivism. Social Finance is an impact investing and advisory nonprofit that has mobilized over $150 million to transform the lives of more than 20,000 individuals across a wide range of issue areas including workforce development, education, and health. To find out more visit socialfinance.org.

Former Secretary of the Treasury and President of Harvard, Larry Summers: The Big Trends Shaping the World Today
Former Secretary of the Treasury and President of Harvard Larry Summers talks about the defining trends of the 21st century, including how we are going to achieve collective solutions, the shift in the center of gravity of the world’s economy and culture to the east, the upcoming transformation in education, the hard choices facing the leading universities, and the exponential growth in what information technology will be capable of.