Why Bad Cops Stay and Schools Fail
Public employee unions have a death grip on the operating machinery of government. Bad cops can’t be fired, schools can’t work, and politicians sell their souls for union support. The devil is in the astonishing details, and Philip Howard, a brilliant leader of government and legal reform, provides them here. Good news: there is a solution.

The CIA’s Secrets: Spy Missions, Cyber Wars & Covert Operations
The CIA may not be thrilled with this conversation. Here, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and highly regarded CIA expert Tim Weiner reveals stunning details about the agency’s espionage and covert activities. Learn about the CIA’s greatest successes and failures, its best weapon, how China and Russia are spying on the U.S., and much more.

Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO James Stavridis Does Not Mince Words
When Admiral James Stavridis (Ret) talks, everyone from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump listens. Here, the brilliant former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO shares his thoughts on the U.S. relationship with China; how to fundamentally remake the Middle East; why the U.S. buying Greenland isn’t as crazy as it sounds; the impact of AI on the power of nations; and more.

Top Takeaways of 2024
The episode you’ve been waiting for is here: our Top Takeaways of 2024. Listen to some of the world’s smartest, most influential thinkers, business leaders, innovators, technologists, and other newsmakers — including Eric Schmidt, Mellody Hobson, Atul Gawande, Fareed Zakaria, Jill Abramson, Stephen Breyer, Niall Ferguson and others. You don’t want to miss this episode.

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea
China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are all determined to subvert America. Nobody knows more about this than former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, who has worked for three presidents and five secretaries of state. Hear what this foreign policy expert says America must do to remain dominant, how AI will impact the world order, and much more.

Former Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Speaks His Piece
Rarely does a former Supreme Court justice reveal what’s on their mind like Stephen Breyer. Listen to what this wise man says about the tug of war between constitutional originalism and contextualism, political partisanship on the court, structural reforms such as term limits, the invaluable lesson he learned from Senator Ted Kennedy, and more.

What’s Ailing Capitalism, and How to Heal It
Serious doubts about capitalism are being raised these days, and for good reason. Too many people are being left behind. But is capitalism really failing? Is socialism the answer? Ruchir Sharma, Chairman of Rockefeller International, says capitalism is being ruined by the expanding role of government. Is he correct? Listen and decide for yourself.

Highlight on Politics: 5 of the World’s Sharpest Minds in Politics
Election fever is heating up, and no matter how you plan on voting, these 3 Takeaways excerpts provide valuable insight into our political challenges, plus thoughts on how to resolve them. Guests include Yale Law School Professor Amy Chua; former political consultant and presidential advisor Karl Rove; White House advisor to four U.S. presidents David Gergen; political commentator and Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist George Will; and journalist extraordinaire Fareed Zakaria.

Former Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross on Investing, Entrepreneurship, and Trump
With no exaggeration, Wilbur Ross is brilliant, successful, blunt, compelling, and completely devoid of baloney. Here, he reveals his thoughts on investing, China, entrepreneurship, serving as U.S. Commerce Secretary, the greatest threat to America, working for Donald Trump, and more. When Wilbur Ross talks, be sure to listen.

Norway’s Former Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs: Are Chaos and Upheaval the New Norm?
The world is on a wild ride — two wars, massive immigration, fractured political parties. Are chaos and upheaval the new normal? Norway’s former Minister of Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ine Eriksen Søreide, shares her wise perspective on the threat of Russia, the critical role of the U.S., coping with immigration and more.

Former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet: Leading with Integrity, Truth, and Empathy
Authentic political leadership is in short supply these days. There’s no better person on the topic than the first female President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet. Elected to office twice, she achieved remarkable reforms and had a stunning approval rating of 84%. Here, she talks about the need to tell the truth, defend democracy, be empathetic, and more.

Highlight on Law & Justice: Six Experts Share Powerful Ideas on Crime and Punishment
With an election coming up, crime and punishment are a hot topic. Listen to this specially curated episode of 3 Takeaways as some of the sharpest minds on the subject share their insight. Guests include top legal reform expert, Christina Swarns; former Harvard Law School Dean, Martha Minow; Judge Jed Rakoff; founder of the Innocence Project, Barry Scheck; former New York City Police Commissioner, Bill Bratton; and Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of Homeland Security.

Close Calls: The Terrifying Threat of Nuclear War
How would a nuclear war start and unfold? How close are we to thermonuclear annihilation? Annie Jacobsen, a weapons expert and Pulitzer Prize finalist, knows. Here, using insider information, she dramatically outlines how close we’ve come to Armageddon, what nuclear winter would entail, and much more. Don’t miss this chilling but necessary episode.

Fareed Zakaria Makes Sense of a Crazy World
Massive, mind scrambling changes are taking place in society and politics these days. Nobody makes more sense of it than Fareed Zakaria. Listen, as he talks with his typical brilliance about the problems with our political parties, the need for open markets, how to fix the U.S. Supreme Court — and why he believes enormous optimism is justified.

Hear, Here. A Fresh Take on the News Media’s Flawed Coverage of Joe Biden with a Former NY Times Executive Editor
The news media’s coverage of Joe Biden’s mental fitness is itself a major news story. Here, Jill Abramson, a former Executive Editor of the NY Times, provides fresh insight on the failures of the media, the White House’s aggressive cover-up, what it all means for journalism in general, and more. Don’t miss one of our most important conversations ever.

A Former Prime Minister of Israel Speaks Bluntly
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has a special perspective and wise insights into the battle against Hamas. Here, he shares his thoughts and suggestions on ending the war, securing the future for Israel, dealing with Iran, the need for a Palestinian state, and more. There’s reason to be both hopeful and concerned.
“To eliminate Hamas as if it didn't exist is impossible. … It is an ideology, and no military action can remove ideology from the face of the earth.”
“I am more worried about the solidarity of Israeli society than I am about the enmity of our outside enemies.”

Bird Flu is a Real Concern. Learn the Facts with Former National Security Council Director for Medical and Biodefense Preparedness
Pandemics are on the rise. Will bird flu be next? The government says it’s monitoring the situation, but should we worry? According to former National Security Council Director for Medical and Biodefense Preparedness and expert on emerging infectious diseases, Luciana Borio, the answer is yes. Not only because bird flu is dangerous, but because the government may be giving us happy talk. The more you know, the better. So join us.

It’s Time We Take A Good, Hard Look At War
As war rages in Ukraine and Gaza, these questions are being asked: Are wars inevitable? Where will the next major conflict break out? Are the U.S. and China headed for war? Are women leaders less warlike than men? Can wars be avoided? Listen, as Margaret MacMillan, one of the world’s leading war historians, provides answers. Don’t miss this one.

Are America and the West Really In Decline with Niall Ferguson
The decline of America and Western civilization is being discussed more loudly these days. But is it true or inevitable? Is the U.S. a waning influence, unraveling from within mainly due to extreme divisiveness? Niall Ferguson, one of the world’s most renowned historians, shares his well-informed perspective. It’s a convo that demands attention.

A Bold, Fresh, Stunning Look At The U.S. Constitution
A.J. Jacobs spent an entire year living as America’s Founding Fathers did 200 years ago. Really. He learned they envisioned a very different balance of power than exists in Washington today. How out of whack are things? How should the Constitution be interpreted? Is there too much free speech? Don’t miss this remarkable conversation.