The Hidden Pattern in Fires, Earthquakes, Stock Market Crashes, and Even Wars
Catastrophes seem to be the new normal. There’s a stunning new scientific belief that although catastrophes are unpredictable, there’s a hidden pattern that explains them all. In other words, fires, avalanches, wars and even stock market crashes aren’t a glitch in the system, they are the system itself. Listen as noted physicist Mark Buchanan reveals more.

Former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz: Tackling Global Warming and Energy Solutions
Energy is complicated. As global demand continues to grow, so does the need for realistic, climate-friendly solutions. Are renewables the answer? How about nuclear power? What is China’s role? Listen, as former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz provides smart answers to daunting questions about energy, and examines the threat of nuclear war.

Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO James Stavridis Does Not Mince Words
When Admiral James Stavridis (Ret) talks, everyone from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump listens. Here, the brilliant former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO shares his thoughts on the U.S. relationship with China; how to fundamentally remake the Middle East; why the U.S. buying Greenland isn’t as crazy as it sounds; the impact of AI on the power of nations; and more.

Top Takeaways of 2024
The episode you’ve been waiting for is here: our Top Takeaways of 2024. Listen to some of the world’s smartest, most influential thinkers, business leaders, innovators, technologists, and other newsmakers — including Eric Schmidt, Mellody Hobson, Atul Gawande, Fareed Zakaria, Jill Abramson, Stephen Breyer, Niall Ferguson and others. You don’t want to miss this episode.

AI: How It’s Being Used Now, What’s Next, and What’s After That
There’s a lot being said about AI these days that’s science fiction. One person who knows the facts is David Schmaier, President and Chief Product Officer of Salesforce. Here, he talks in detail about the many unseen ways AI is being used now, how it will profoundly stimulate innovation and benefit humanity, the rise of robots, and more.

The Science and Skill of Superforecasting
Imagine how much better your decision making would be if you could better predict the future. It’s possible, with superforecasting. In fact, a team of superforecasters won a forecasting tournament conducted by the U.S. intelligence community. What do superforecasters actually do, and how can you become a better forecaster? Don’t miss this talk with superforecaster, Warren Hatch.

The Search for Another Earth
Is there another planet in the universe like Earth? Is there life elsewhere? And if so, how advanced is it? Join us as Sara Seager — astronomer, planet hunter, MIT professor, and MacArthur Genius Grant recipient — presents a mind-blowing progress report on the rigorous search for Earth’s planetary twin and other life in the universe.

A Blueprint for Reimagining Our Cities
Our cities need to be revitalized to make them more appealing. But how? Seth Pinsky, the former CEO of New York City's Economic Development Corporation, has answers. Here, he talks knowingly about creative ways to stimulate growth; how to combat the skepticism that government can deliver on its promises; the importance of what he calls magnetic infrastructure; and more.

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea
China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are all determined to subvert America. Nobody knows more about this than former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, who has worked for three presidents and five secretaries of state. Hear what this foreign policy expert says America must do to remain dominant, how AI will impact the world order, and much more.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt on AI: Shaping the Next Era of Humanity
Eric Schmidt is astonishing. Here, the former CEO of Google and one of the world’s most brilliant technologists talks with visionary wisdom about Artificial Intelligence and its impact on business, healthcare, warfare, climate change, human survival and more. Don’t miss this chance to learn how AI powers we have not yet imagined will affect our daily lives.
Eric’s new book, which is wonderful, is Genesis.

I’m a Doctor. ChatGPT’s Bedside Manner Is Better Than Mine.
For better and for worse, artificially intelligent communication is inexorably making its way into medical care. How will this affect the doctor-patient relationship? Can AI convey human empathy and emotion? What will the impact be on your health? According to Dr. Jon Reisman, there’s no turning back. Listen, and learn what the future will hold.

Loonshots: How Lunatic, Moonshot Ideas Become Real and Change the World
It’s not easy for huge, breakthrough ideas — the kind that truly change the world — to see the light of day. Here, physicist, entrepreneur and author Safi Bahcall talks in detail about the creativity and determination required, plus the obstacles to overcome, and cites fascinating examples including James Bond, Lipitor, Apple, Airbnb and others.

AI and Healthcare: A Dose of Good News
Sam Hazen has seen the future of healthcare, and it works. The CEO of one of the world’s largest healthcare providers, HCA, is using artificial intelligence and robotics to improve patient health and hospital services, make healthcare more affordable, and more. Don’t miss this dose of good news about healthcare.

How AI is Rewiring and Rotting our Brains
Slowly but surely, AI is taking over. What does it mean to live in an age where we can outsource our thinking to machines? According to Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, it's no less than a fundamental restructuring of what it means to be human and a questioning of our essence. Learn how to future-proof yourself and maintain what makes us human.
“If you want to future-proof yourself in the age of AI … the worst thing you can do is be lazy.”
“If we are at the mercy of AI, free will isn't even an illusion anymore. It’s just completely gone.”

Kara Swisher Holds Back Nothing - on Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, etc.
Kara Swisher is Silicon Valley’s premiere chronicler, filled with wisdom and insight on tech companies and the out-sized egos who found and run them. Here, she shares her take on the industry and on Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, the Google co-founders and others, who she’s known since their companies were mere start-ups.

An Other-Worldly Talk About Other Worlds With The Chillest Astrophysicist Alive
According to Janna Levin, “the chillest astrophysicist alive” (says Wired Magazine), there’s a great probability that other life exists in the universe. But what form might this life take? What the heck are black holes? How many planets are out there? And why should we give a hoot about all this? Be sure to listen to this other-worldly conversation.

The Battle for Your Brain: The Emerging World of Neurotechnology, Brain Hacking and Thought Control (repost)
Brain sensors embedded in watches. Earbuds that decode our brainwaves. Neurotechnology that reads our emotions and thoughts, and can be used to manipulate them. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s science fact. Don’t miss this chilling and cautionary talk with Duke professor Nita Farahany, author of The Battle for Your Brain.

AI That’s More Powerful Than Humans Is Coming. How Will We Be Able To Control It?
Super intelligent AI is coming that will make today’s AI seem primitive. It will be vastly more powerful than humans, have access to extensive real-time data about almost everyone, and be able to control our lives. A world-leading authority on the topic, Stuart Russell, reveals what must be done for humanity to get the best from AI and avoid the worst.
“The arrival of super intelligent AI is like the arrival of a superior alien civilization…”

Top Takeaways of 2023
3 Takeaways brings you conversations with people who are changing the world. The world’s foremost thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians, scientists and other newsmakers share three key insights to help you understand the world in new ways that can benefit your life and career. In this special year-end episode, we present the most powerful and compelling takeaways of 2023.
Can you guess which takeaway is from each guest before we tell you who it is? The guests include former Director of the CIA, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CEO of Chevron, former Foreign Minister of Israel and other amazing guests.

Chevron CEO, Mike Wirth, On The Race To Meet The World’s Energy Needs With Lower Carbon Solutions
Can the world make an orderly transition from fossil fuels to lower carbon solutions? Chevron CEO, Mike Wirth, believes we can, but there are major challenges ahead. Join us as he shares his thoughts on EVs, fusion, carbon capture, geothermal, and other technologies. The future is coming. Will the world be ready? Listen to find out.