The One And Only Dr. Atul Gawande In An Eye-Opening, Wide-Ranging Talk About Global Health
Health, International, Society Lynn Thoman Health, International, Society Lynn Thoman

The One And Only Dr. Atul Gawande In An Eye-Opening, Wide-Ranging Talk About Global Health

Surgeon, professor, public health leader, bestselling author, global healthcare legend. Listen as Dr. Atul Gawande talks about the astonishing success of modern medicine, how countries that spend far less on healthcare than the U.S. achieve similar outcomes, the global effort to increase lifespan, the future of healthcare, and much more.

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Top Takeaways of 2023

Top Takeaways of 2023

3 Takeaways brings you conversations with people who are changing the world. The world’s foremost thinkers, business leaders, writers, politicians, scientists and other newsmakers share three key insights to help you understand the world in new ways that can benefit your life and career. In this special year-end episode, we present the most powerful and compelling takeaways of 2023.

Can you guess which takeaway is from each guest before we tell you who it is? The guests include former Director of the CIA, former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, CEO of Chevron, former Foreign Minister of Israel and other amazing guests.

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An Eye-Opening, Cautionary Look At The Problematic Clout Of A Few Giant Index Funds
Business Lynn Thoman Business Lynn Thoman

An Eye-Opening, Cautionary Look At The Problematic Clout Of A Few Giant Index Funds

Four index funds are now so large they have unprecedented, concentrated power in public companies, enabling them to exert enormous influence over our politics and economy. While the cause for concern is clear, the solution is not. Join us, as Harvard law professor John Coates shines a bright light on this serious and growing problem.

“Two companies control 10 to 15, maybe 20%, of all of the stock of all the companies on all the U.S. stock exchanges.”

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The CEO of U.S. News & World Report On Why Today’s Most Critical News Story May Be The News Media Itself
Business, Politics & Government Lynn Thoman Business, Politics & Government Lynn Thoman

The CEO of U.S. News & World Report On Why Today’s Most Critical News Story May Be The News Media Itself

Credible journalism is crucial for democracy, and trust in our news media is alarmingly low. The CEO of U.S. News & World Report, Eric Gertler, explains why and talks bluntly about the dramatic rise of opinionated and fake news, the impact of a generation getting its news from social media, transitioning from analog dollars to digital dimes, and more.

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Made New Year’s Resolutions? An Expert Shares Scientific Strategies To Achieve Lasting Change
Self Lynn Thoman Self Lynn Thoman

Made New Year’s Resolutions? An Expert Shares Scientific Strategies To Achieve Lasting Change

Many people have important personal goals they want to achieve, but come up short. Here, behavioral change expert and Wharton professor Katy Milkman shares scientifically proven strategies for affecting deep personal change. Two key insights: Willpower alone usually isn’t enough. It helps to make difficult tasks enjoyable.

Katy Milkman is the author of the bestselling book How To Change.

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Top Dog: An Expert On The Science Of Winning Shares Powerful Tips And Strategies To Improve Performance
Self Lynn Thoman Self Lynn Thoman

Top Dog: An Expert On The Science Of Winning Shares Powerful Tips And Strategies To Improve Performance

Ashley Merryman is an expert on the science of winning and has helped Olympic and professional athletes, Fortune 100 execs, and military leaders compete more successfully. Here, she reveals strategies that have transformed the world of elite performance — including how to thrive under pressure, benefit from a loss, and more.

She is the co-author of Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing.

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A Legal Reform Expert Discusses The Horrors Of Our Criminal Justice System And How To Improve It
Society, Law & Justice Lynn Thoman Society, Law & Justice Lynn Thoman

A Legal Reform Expert Discusses The Horrors Of Our Criminal Justice System And How To Improve It

It’s no secret the U.S. criminal justice system is failing people of color. But the issue is bigger and more horrific than people think. Here, Christina Swarns, a top criminal legal reform expert, discusses wrongful convictions, false confessions, plea deals, the critical role of DNA — and most important, what can be done to improve the system.

Christina Swarns is Executive Director of the Innocence Project which gets wrongfully convicted people out of jail.

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How Will Dramatically Declining Birth Rates Reshape Our World? A Population Expert Weighs In.
Society Lynn Thoman Society Lynn Thoman

How Will Dramatically Declining Birth Rates Reshape Our World? A Population Expert Weighs In.

The birth rate in many countries is plummeting below what’s needed to maintain the population. In China, it’s estimated the population will shrink by 50%. In the U.S., by about 20%. Should we hit the panic button? According to American Enterprise Institute scholar, Nick Eberstadt, the answer is a thoughtful “no.” Listen and find out why.

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Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar Details Previously Unknown Reasons For The Stunning Success of Operation Warp Speed
Business, Politics & Government, Health Lynn Thoman Business, Politics & Government, Health Lynn Thoman

Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar Details Previously Unknown Reasons For The Stunning Success of Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed achieved in 7 months what normally takes 8–12 years. Former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex Azar, reveals in fascinating detail how it was done — the key people involved, how it was influenced by the Manhattan Project, the government’s critical, groundbreaking partnership with the drug industry, and more.

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At A Time Of Great Global Volatility, The U.S. Economy Is Far Outperforming All The Other Major Countries. Listen And Learn Why.
International, Business Lynn Thoman International, Business Lynn Thoman

At A Time Of Great Global Volatility, The U.S. Economy Is Far Outperforming All The Other Major Countries. Listen And Learn Why.

News flash: By every measure that matters, the U.S. economy is dramatically outperforming the industrialized world. The Provost of King's College at Cambridge University, Gillian Tett, explains why. She also shares brilliant insights on the enormous volatility in the world, the future of globalization, why Brexit is a disaster, and more.

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A Former Israeli Foreign Minister Discusses The War With Hamas And What It May, And May Not, Achieve

A Former Israeli Foreign Minister Discusses The War With Hamas And What It May, And May Not, Achieve

As war rages between Israel and Hamas, former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami shares some remarkable insights about the encirclement of Israel by well-armed Iranian proxies; the possibility the war will spread; the rise of antisemitism in America and Europe; and a possible path to peace. Don’t miss this important conversation.

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Chevron CEO, Mike Wirth, On The Race To Meet The World’s Energy Needs With Lower Carbon Solutions
Society, Science & Tech, Environment, Business Lynn Thoman Society, Science & Tech, Environment, Business Lynn Thoman

Chevron CEO, Mike Wirth, On The Race To Meet The World’s Energy Needs With Lower Carbon Solutions

Can the world make an orderly transition from fossil fuels to lower carbon solutions? Chevron CEO, Mike Wirth, believes we can, but there are major challenges ahead. Join us as he shares his thoughts on EVs, fusion, carbon capture, geothermal, and other technologies. The future is coming. Will the world be ready? Listen to find out.

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A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, And Have We Really Thought This Through?
Society, Science & Tech Lynn Thoman Society, Science & Tech Lynn Thoman

A City on Mars: Can We Settle Space, Should We Settle Space, And Have We Really Thought This Through?

Attention Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos: What on earth are you thinking?! Settling in space is fraught with monumental challenges. Here, serious and funny spaceheads Kelly and Zach Weinersmith discuss some of them — the effects of partial gravity on sex and having babies, food and energy production, laws that govern space society, and more.

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Karl Rove Takes A Riveting, No-Holds Barred Look At The Frightening State Of American Politics
Politics & Government Lynn Thoman Politics & Government Lynn Thoman

Karl Rove Takes A Riveting, No-Holds Barred Look At The Frightening State Of American Politics

Karl Rove, former political consultant and presidential advisor, shares his take on the current ugliness in American politics … the critical challenges of the Republican and Democratic parties … the immorality of Donald Trump … the corruption of Joe Biden … and how America can be healed. Don’t miss this riveting talk with a remarkable man.

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What’s Really Happening Along Our Mexican Border, From A Plain-Spoken Texas Congressman

What’s Really Happening Along Our Mexican Border, From A Plain-Spoken Texas Congressman

According to U.S. Congressman Tony Gonzales, whose district runs along the majority of Texas’ border with Mexico, the border is “essentially open and anyone can cross.”

Here, with blunt honesty, he talks about the scope of the problem, its horrifying impact, how little is being done to address it, and our desperate need for genuine solutions.

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Former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia On Why Both the US and China Are Guilty Of False Narratives About The Other
International, Politics & Government Lynn Thoman International, Politics & Government Lynn Thoman

Former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia On Why Both the US and China Are Guilty Of False Narratives About The Other

The U.S. and China are locked in an economic battle that threatens world stability. According to former Morgan Stanley Asia Chairman Stephen Roach, both nations are equally at fault for relying on false narratives to accuse the other. Listen, as he shares both countries’ perspectives and answers the critical question: Is there a way out?

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President of Rockefeller Foundation and Former Head of USAID Raj Shah on Big Bets and Transforming The Face of Human Poverty On The Planet
Society, Politics & Government Lynn Thoman Society, Politics & Government Lynn Thoman

President of Rockefeller Foundation and Former Head of USAID Raj Shah on Big Bets and Transforming The Face of Human Poverty On The Planet

Imagine a world in which no child starves to death and electricity is available to just about all. Raj Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, has a plan for making it happen: making big bets — the kind that have worked to vaccinate 900 million children and stop the spread of Ebola. Learn why thinking big is key to solving big challenges.

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Why The Use Of Group Identity To Pursue Social Justice May Fail To Achieve Its Noble Goals

Why The Use Of Group Identity To Pursue Social Justice May Fail To Achieve Its Noble Goals

The attempt across much of America to achieve social justice by advantaging people based on their identity is noble and well-intended. It’s also misguided and destined to fail. So says Yascha Mounk, a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Listen as he explains the need for a shared humanity.

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